Please join MWA. There is no obligation to attend meetings; we understand how busy folks are. The more members we have, the more influence we have with state and local officials.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization
In response to budget challenges for all of us, the Executive Board voted to reduce dues. Membership was previously $15 per voting member. Dues will be $5 per voting member Please be reminded that membership dues for the calendar year 2022 are due by January 1, 2022 and will be $5.00 per member for the upcoming year. Dues can be paid via PayPal or sent via check to MWA, P.O. Box 287, Halifax, MA 02338.
Pay dues your way!
Pay in person by coming to a meeting or giving to a MWA officer
Download membership form and mail with check to
Monponsett Watershed Association, PO Box 287, Halifax, MA 02338
Or join right here with PayPal or credit card
Thank you for being part of this all-volunteer effort!
Members must be 18 years+. Members in good standing may vote if present at a meeting.
Monponsett Watershed Association
PO Box 287
Halifax, MA 02338
Or Join / Renew using PayPal or Credit Card